British Immigration Office verweigert Einreise von Misagh Azimi

In der Regel berichten wir hier nur. An dieser Stelle möchte ich meine (Prof. Thomas Neuhaus, Leiter des ICEM) persönliche Meinung hinzufügen. Sie lautet: Unfassbar! Wie kann sich ein “zivilisiertes Land” so etwas erlauben??

Misagh Azimi, der sein Stück “Panic Drives Diaries” auf dem Kolloquium “Sound Image” an der Greenwich University aufführen sollte, wurde die Einreise durch die britische Einwanderungsbehörde verweigert. Ich zitiere aus der Mail, die Misagh an die Veranstalter schrieb, und die ich in CC erhielt:

I regret to inform you, that the British Immigration Office refused my visa application for traveling to the UK. I live in Germany but hold an Iranian passport, therefore I was required to apply for a travel visa and this has been refused. Considering the colloquium is in 8 days, there is simply not enough time for a new normal visa process to go through. There is also no right to make an appeal!!!
The given reasons where “not being satisfied with my intentions for traveling to the UK” and “not being satisfied if I am able to pay for my stay”. The whole process seems very discriminating, considering my trip being paid by the university (document was attached) and having the invitation from you guys for the colloquium. I am a full time student here in Germany and a working musician with a lot of bonding working contracts, all being enough reasons for me to come back here after a short 4 day trip to London!!! I am deeply shocked and disappointed in this decision. We at the Folkwang University are having a meeting next week to talk about the subject matter and decide the next steps to be taken, because we strongly believe that such politically loaded decisions, apparently made only considering my country of origin, have no place in the artistic and academic community and shouldn’t keep us apart. 
I am sincerely honoured that the jury chose my art to be a part of the colloquium and hereby want to express my deepest regret, not being able to attend the event. I wish you all the best for the colloquium and all the upcoming events and hope to be able to visit you someday. 
Kind Regards,
Misagh Azimi