Catalogue of Premiered Compositions (chronological list according to the date and place of the world premiere)
[48] QUANTIC LANDSCAPE, acousmatic (2023) -
Quantum particles are the most fundamental part of our existence and of everything that surrounds us. Consequently, the sound generation of the composition consists of an autogenerative and autopoetic system that generates micro-sound particles based on a heavily modified version of Xenakis' GENDYN program for stochastic sound implementation, supported by machine learning algorithms. This system, programmed by the author in Max software, not only controls the generation of sound synthesis, but the generated signal also controls other parameters, such as multichannel spatialization via Ambisonics by a special algorithm also developed by the author. The overall result is a landscape of micro-sound particles moving very quickly between the speakers (in the multichannel version, while for this particular mix for CD only within the stereo image), a sonic representation similar to the movement in time and space of quantum particles. Using autogenerative and machine learning algorithms, the composition aims to question the way audiences listen to this kind of music in terms of both its sonic and spatial properties, which are hereby inextricably linked, contributing to challenge audiences with new ways of listening in today's rapidly changing world due to the increasing automation of technical processes, for example using AI. As in quantum physics, sounds are hereby similar and constantly moving but none is equal to the other; the overall crescendo may resemble the moments before the Big Bang.
WORLD PREMIERE: 28.09.2024 - KUBUS - ZKM, Karlsruhe (Germany), Version for 47.4 loudspeakers (special version for the KUBUS) - DEGEM Concert 2024The piece is commercially available: DEGEM CD 23 (2023) "Listening Machines – Ecological Perspectives", curated by Nicola L. Hein @
[47] ZUSAMMENSPIEL I, for viola, clarinet in A and live-electronics in 8.1 surround sound (2022) -
Composition in which viola and clarinet are combined with spectral digital effects and multi-channel spatialization.
The idea of "playing together" contained in the title in German was the starting point of the artistic working process. This is clearly noticeable from bar 1, as the chosen pitches for both instruments are intertwined so that, together with the real-time electronics, all 3 create timbres that portray their fusion rather than the sound of each instrument alone. In addition, the composition presents innovative aspects in terms of real-time digital effects, for example, the accumulation and evaporation of spectra of both instruments captured by the electronics in real time or the combination of different techniques (among others Ambisonics) responsible for the particular spatialization of the electronics. Moreover, the composition is another example of the complete automation of the electronics, a technique developed by the author for years. Composed with the generous funding of MUSIKFONDS (Germany).
World Premiere: 24.06.2023 @ NYCEMF (New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival) 2023 - Loreto Theatre, Sheen Center, 18 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012 (NYC, USA)
VIOLA & ELECTRONICS: Javier A. Garavaglia
CLARINET in A: Ford FourqureanINFO:
Audio (Stereo Version, Mp3 320 bps): Zusammenspiel1_Audio_320bps
Video (NYCEFM 2023): (from 01:52:38)
Score in PDF: Zusammenspiel1_SCORE
[46] SPLASH NOISE, online stereo music (2022)
Premiered on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 @ Galerie Gublia - Kreuzeskirchstraße 3 - 45127, Essen, this composition is based on the software developed by Friedhelm Hartmann and Heinz-Josef Florian. working with the so called hypersound touchpoints defined as the intersections where sounds connect via the World Wide Web to create a shared experience for all participants. As in a true hypertext model, a particular sound progression is composed online by linking to sequences of other sources through many points of correspondence selected for meaning and musical context. Composers collaborating in this composition and its performance during the BLAUES RAUSCHEN 2022 festival were:
* HEINZ-JOSEF FLORIAN (@ Galerie Gublia)
* JAVIER A. GARAVAGLIA (Online, London)
* FRIEDHELM HARTMANN (@ Galerie Gublia)
* BALÁZS KOVÁCS (Online, Hungary)
* JOSEF SPRINZAK (Online, Israel) (06:47 to 13:15)
[45] BTHVN (Beethoven and his inner sonic cosmos), multichannel acousmatic music (8.1, 16.2 and 24.2) (2022) -
The word cosmos can be defined as "a complex, ordered, self-contained system". This, then, defines the aim of this piece by offering an interpretation of Beethoven's inner world and how he may have perceived the world around him, especially in light of his hearing loss. By proposing a journey into Beethoven's mind, the composition confronts the audience not only with his music, ideals and obsessions, but also with his particular and challenging situation as a deaf composer, helping to understand the full spectrum of feelings, thoughts and music in Beethoven's psyche.
The composition works with 2x recurring leitmotifs: on the one hand 4x evenly repeated rhythms, which can be found rather obsessively in several of Beethoven's compositions, especially in his 5th Symphony (Op. 67), but also in the Sonata 'Appassionata' Op. 57 (I), the Piano Concerto Op. 58 (I), the Cello Sonata Op. 69 (I), the Violin Concerto Op.61 (I) , the String Quartet Op. 74 (III), etc.; on the other hand, the melody and accompanying words that appear before the 'Grave' movement of his String Quartet Op. 135: "Must it be? It must be, it must be!". These words can be interpreted in different ways: While they could refer directly to the 'Grave' movement of the quartet, they could also be seen as a comprehensive expression about its fate. The first leitmotif (4x evenly repeated rhythms) is not only quoted from these works by Beethoven in the composition, but also by 4 door knockers, suggesting a possible inspiration for this repeated rhythmic motif. In addition to musical quotations from Beethoven's compositions, excerpts from Haydn and Mozart appear at the beginning, since both composers were Beethoven's pathfinders who influenced his musical formation and thus his 'inner sound cosmos'. Most of the quotations are mainly (though not throughout) spread over Beethoven's lifetime, from the aforementioned musical influences (Haydn/Mozart) to his own compositions, with various DSP effects conveying the idea of the gradual loss of hearing, thus showing an intimate approach to Beethoven's mind.
Many of the quotations are either melodically or harmonically related: one example is the sense of an interrupted cadence that arises at the very beginning of the piece from the combination of the beginning of the re-exposition of the first movement of the Violin Concerto (4x D major full orchestral chords) and the first orchestral chord of the first movement of the 3rd Symphony (E flat major). Not only because of the spatial audio characteristics of the piece, but also and especially because of the heavily processed sound design representing Beethoven's gradual process towards deafness, the piece shares its qualities and characteristics with those usually found in works of sound art and therefore requires special attention when listening to its entirety.
World Premiere: 25.06.2022 @ NYCEMF (New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival) 2022 - Loreto Theatre, Sheen Center, 18 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012 (NYC, USA) -
Audio (Stereo Version, Mp3 320 bps): BTHVN_inner_Cosmos
****.[44] BEFREMDLICHE LANDSCHAFTEN, acousmatic stereo (2021) -
The title refers to the mixing of various forest noises (recorded in south-east London in June 2021, close to the Thames river) and their combination with autopoetic synthetic and automatically generated sounds. Thus, the listener is confronted with different realities – some virtual, others from nature – offering a rich variety of perspectives in which how these sounds originated and how they are used in the short electroacoustic piece.
World Premiere: September/October 2021 @ BLAUES RAUSCHEN FESTIVAL 2021 -
The piece is commercially available: DEGEM CD 22 (2022) "Soundscape-Komposition. Aktuelle Positionen", curated by Prof. Sabine Breitsameter @
[43] BTHVN/KTZR und das Jahr 2020, acousmatic stereo (2020) -
Fears, worries, panic, helplessness, existentially palpable dangers are situations that both 2020 and Beethoven's life have in common. Consistently, 2020 was both the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth and would have been Georg Katzer's 85th birthday. Katzer (1935–2019), was a pioneer of electroacoustic music in the former German Democratic Republic. BTHVN/KTZR und das Jahr 2020 exposes therefore the communality emerging from both situations proposing a journey into Beethoven’s mind, confronting listeners with his challenging situation as a deaf composer, for which numerous audio effects are appropriately used along in the composition, gradually depicting Beethoven's unstoppable deafness and is meant as an homage to both composers.
World Premiere: JUNE 2021 @ the NYCEMF online 2021 (New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival) -
Audio: BTHVNKTZR2020
[42] BEETHOVENS GEIST, quadrophonic (4.1) acousmatic composition by Javier A. Garavaglia & Claudia Robles-Angel (2020) -
BEETHOVENS GEIST is an quadrofonic acousmatic piece specially composed for the Sound & Light installation of the same name and by the same authors.
The installation BEETHOVENS GEIST (the title means in English 'Beethoven’s mind') invites visitors to immerse themselves in a space made up of coloured shadows (inspired by Goethe’s Colour Theory) and a special way of listening to music, via bone transmission headphones. Also known as bone sound, bone conduction refers to the transmission of vibrations through the skull bone that surrounds the hearing organ (near the middle ear), with perception masked by signals transmitted as airborne sound due to the skull bone's high acoustic impedance. Bone conduction is said to have been used by Beethoven in his later years. The acousmatic piece is about 45 minutes long and consists of 19 sections composed in succession:
(1) Introduction; (2) Promenade I; (3) Mozart, Haydn; (4) Promenade II: Bells, Water - Hearing Disorders I; (5) Goethe: Mephisto's Flea (Goethe’s Poem, Lied by Beethoven); (6) Promenade III: Horse Cart - Hearing Disorders II; (7) Cello Sonata in A; (8) Promenade IV: Birds; (9) PASTORAL Symphony: II Movement - Scene by the Brook; (10) Must It Be? (11) Musical Creation I; (12) Promenade V: Birds (Filter); (13) An Die ferne Geliebte; (14) Promenade VI: Birds (Filter) II; (15) Musical Creation II: Filter; (16) Promenade VII: Hall/Filter/Horses/Delays; (17) Musical Creation III: Filter; (18) DEAFNESS: Low Frequencies; (19) Finale.
World Premiere: 04.10.2020 - Kurfürstlichen Gärtnerhaus, during the Festival TANGENTIALE and the opening of the installation Beethovens Geist / Bonn, GERMANY
Programme Notes: notes_Beethovens_Geist
Audio: Beethovens_Geist_MP3_(45')
Images from the installation Kurfürstlichen Gärtnerhaus, Bonn - Germany, 2020)
[41] MOMENTE for viola and live-electronics in 8.1 surround sound (2018) -
MOMENTE was specially commissioned by the 15. Internationales Klangkunstfest Berlin M O M E N T (6 - 9 September 2018)
The composition features different "moments" where a single main musical theme appears in different versions and variations (and in complete form only towards the middle of the piece). Each "moment" features the musical thema (or parts of it) in the viola with live-electronics in unique musical characteristics, which are not repeated in the same manner anywhere else in the composition. The piece makes strong usage of spectral DSP processes, continuing the trend of my pieces for live-electronics since DUO SPECTRALIS for Viola and Tárogató in 2015.World Premiere: 08.09.2018 - 15. Internationales Klangkunstfest Berlin / M O M E N T - Bibliothek am Luisenbad, Travemünder Strasse 2, 13357 / Berlin-Wedding, GERMANY /// Viola & electronics: Javier A. Garavaglia
Programme Notes: programme_notes_MOMENTE
Score in PDF Format: MOMENTE_Score
Audio: MOMENTE_mp3 (Javier Garavaglia, viola / Performance Haus im Rhenania, Köln, Germany 05.09.21)
Video: MOMENTE_MP4 (Javier Garavaglia, viola - World Premiere in Berlin - 08.09.2018)
YOUTUBE NYCEMF 2024 (NYC, US): MOMENTE_NYCEMF24 (Javier Garavaglia, viola - 21.06.2024)
[40] SPACES: SUSPENDED - SCATTERED [Version I], acousmatic music (octophonic/stereo) (2018-2020) -
First version of a longer project, which envisages multiple versions of the piece suitable for different venues provided with High-Density Loudspeaker Array (HDLA) settings, in order to project sound creating Multiple Spatial Settings within the HDLA system. Version I is shorter than its equivalent for an HDLA setting and exists therefore only in octophonic and stereo versions. The sounds of SPACES: SUSPENDED - SCATTERED are explicitly synthetic and use algorithmic sound design.
World Premiere of the Stereo Version: 28 January 2018 / Cafe OTO, London, UK
World Premiere of the 8.1 Version: New York Electroacoustic Music Festival (NYCEMF), Abrons Art Center, NYC, USA, Concert No 3 (8 PM) - 16.07.2018
Broadcast by BBC Radio 3 "NEW MUSIC SHOW": 21 March 2020.
Programme Notes: PN_SSS
Audio: SSS_StereoVersion_mp3
[39] MULTISENSORIAL - eine Konzertperformance für die Sinne, by Javier A. Garavaglia, Thomas Gerwin and Claudia Robles-Angel (2016)
Created especially for the opening of the Exhibition Windrosen - Kunst über Sinne at the Künstlerforum Bonn, Germany (November 6, 2016), the piece is a multimedia performance, combining live viola and live percussion, multiple multimedia elements, added to challenging the perception of the audience through the insertion of elements directed to the other senses, for example the smelling of exotic fragrances, the savouring of small delicacies, etc.
World Premiere: 06.11.2016 / Künstlerforum Bonn, Germany /// Viola, computer, electronics: Javier A. Garavaglia - Computer, electronics, percussion, fragancies: Thomas Gerwin - Computer, electronics, real-time video: Claudia Robles-Angel
Programme Notes: programe notes MULTISENSORIAL
Video: MULTISENSORIAL_video with excerpts of the world premiere
[38] Spatial Grains - Soundscape No 1, acousmatic music for 134 speakers and 4 subwoofers (2015) -
Piece composed and produced during a residency at Virginia Tech (USA) for Statial Audio in High-Density Loudspeaker Arrays (HDLA) in August 2015, which creates Multiple Spatial Settings through a combination of a new sound diffusion system programmed by the composer, called Granular Spatialisation and Ambisonics.
After its World Premiere in 2015 in Virginia (CUBE Hall provided with 143 Speakers, Moss Arts Center, Virginia Tech), the piece has been performed in NYC (NYCEMF 2016), in Utrecht (ICMC 2016) both with a reduced version for 16.4 speakers, in the KUBUS, ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany, adapted to the Kubus's HDLA of 43.4 speakers (2017) and during the MUSA 2018 conference (June), in the Wolfgang Rihm Forum (WRF) Hall (Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikinformatik [IMWI], Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe), with a set-up of 70 speakers.
World Premiere: 10.08.2015, CUBE, Moss Arts Center, Virginia Tech, Virginia, USA
Programme Notes: Spatial_Grains_Soundscape_No1
Audio Link (MP3): BINAURAL stereo recording in the CUBE at Virginia Tech
[37] DUO SPECTRALIS, for Viola, Tárogató & 5.1 surround live-electronics (2015) -
First composition worldwide for this particular combination of instruments and electronics, featuring several innovative spectral DSP processes, including spectral accumulation and evaporation
World Premiere: New York Electroacoustic Music Festival (NYCEMF), NYC, USA, Abrons Center - 26.06.2015 /// Tárogató: Esther Lamneck - Viola & electronics: Javier A. Garavaglia
Duration: ca. 15'
Programme Notes: Duo_Spectralis_PN
Score in PDF Format: Duo_Spectralis_Score
Video: Complete performance during the NYCEMF, June 2015, NYC
YOUTUBE: Performance by Nikola Lutz (Tárogató) und Agata Zieba (Viola) in Stuttgart 2017:
[36] MEDITATIONS (tiny gongs), acousmatic music (8.1) (2013/14) -
World Premiere: New York Electroacoustic Music Festival (NYCEMF), NYC, USA, Abrons Center - Concert 28, 08.06.2014
Duration: 11:30
Programme Notes: Meditations PN
Audio Link (MP3): Meditations_StereoVersion_MP3
[35] CONFLUENCES (Rainbows II) / Quintet for flute, clarinet in B, violin, cello, piano and live-electronics (5.1) (2011/12) -
World Premiere: September 2012, International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Ljubljana, Slovenia - 16.09.2012 /// Flute: Anja Brezavšček - Clarinet: Jože Kotar - Violin: Matjaž Porovne - Cello: Milan Hudnik - Piano: Nina Prešiček // Conductor: Steven Loy
Duration: ca. 13'
Programme Notes: Confluences_PN
Score in PDF Format: Confluences_Score
Video: Confluences_video_world premiere at the ICMC 2012, Slovenia
[34] Wooden Worlds, collaborative project with Colombian media artist Claudia Robles including sound, video, photography, viola and live-electronics for sound and video (2010) -
World Premiere: September 2010, Kölner Musik Nacht 2010, Kunst Station Sankt Peter, Köln, Germany /// Viola & live- electronics: Javier A. Garavaglia - Live electronics & live video: Claudia Robles-Angel.
Programme Notes: WoodenWorlds_PN
Score in PDF Format: WoodenWorlds_Score
Excerpts from World Premiere, Koelner Musiknacht, September 2010]
[33] Miniaturstück I, acousmatic music (octophonic - 8.1) (2010) -
World Premiere: _tiefKLANG 2010 "Gefühlter Augenblick" - Internationales Klangkunstfest Berlin, Germany - 2010
Duration: ca. 4:02
Programme Notes: Miniaturstueck_I_PN
Audio Link (MP3): Miniaturstueck_I_MP3
Composition on CD (stereo version): DEGEM CD No 20, "im hier und jetzt oder nie" (EDITION DEGEM 2021), curated by Anne Wellmer (Medienhaus, UDK, Berlin).
Commercially available @
[32] farb-laut E - VIOLET for viola and live-electronics (5.1) (2008) -
World Premiere: _farb-laut Festival, Berlin, Germany - 5.11.2008, Teehaus im Englischen Garten, Berlin // Viola & electronics: Javier A. Garavaglia
Duration: ca. 15'
Programme Notes: FARBLAUT_PN
Score in PDF Format: FARBLAUT_Score
Audio Link (MP3): FARBLAUT_MP3
[31] "+" for viola, sampler, diverse instruments and MAX/MSP by Javier A. Garavaglia, Thomas Gerwin and Ralf Haarmann (2008) -
World Premiere: LOFT Köln, Germany - 2.6.2008
[30] Intersections (memories) for clarinet in B and live-electronics (5.1) (2007/8 - revised in 2017) -
World Premiere: 17th Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, Gainesville (USA), Black Box - Concert VI - 11.04.2008 /// Clarinet: Jorge Variego
Duration: ca. 15'
Score in PDF Format: INTERSECTIONS_Score
Video: INTERSECTIONS_Live Video during the NYCEMF 2017_Jorge Variego
[29] Pathétique, acousmatic music (2007) -
World Premiere: Lisbon, Portugal - 2007
Duration: 15:31
Programme Notes: Pathetique_programme notes
Audio Link (MP3): Pathetique_MP3
[28] Interzones (A/E-B) for piano, double bass and electronics (2006) -
World Premiere: 16th Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, Gainesville (USA), Black Box - Concert III - 12.04.2007 /// Piano: Seung Hye Kim - Double Bass: Kevin Casseday
Duration: ca. 20'
Programme Notes: Interzones_PN
Score in PDF Format: Interzones_Score
Audio Link (MP3): Interzones_MP3
[27] Hoquetus for Tárogató (or soprano saxophone)and live-electronics (2005) -
World Premiere: 14th Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, Gainesville (USA), Black Box - Concert IX - 09.05.2005 /// Tárogató: Esther Lamneck
Duration: ca. 15'
Programme Notes: HOQUETUS_programme notes
Score in PDF Format: HOQUETUS_Score in PDF format
Audio Link (MP3): HOQUETUS_SopranoSax_MP3
[26] Ableitungen des Konzepts der Wiederholung (for Ala) for viola and live-electronics (2003) -
World Premiere: 13th Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, Gainesville (USA), Black Box - Concert VI - 02.04.2004 /// Viola & electronics: Javier A. Garavaglia
Duration: ca. 16'
Programme Notes: ABLEITUNGEN_programme notes
Score in PDF Format: ABLEITUNGEN_Score in PDF format
[25] L.S. (waiting for changes) for orchestra (2001)
World Premiere: Cercle Municipal Luxembourg, Luxembourg - 30.11.2003 /// Luxembourg Sinfonietta conducted by Marcel Wengler
Duration: ca. 11'
Programme Notes: LS_programme notes
Score in PDF Format: LS_Score in PDF format
Audio Link (MP3): LS_MP3
[24] DJ (1): about Riffs and Noises - Laptop performance (2003) -
World Premiere: 12th Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, Gainesville (USA), Black Box - Concert VI - 04.04.2003 /// Laptop: Javier A. Garavaglia
Duration: 45'
[23] NINTH (music for viola and computer) for viola and live-electronics (2001) -
World Premiere: 11th Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, Gainesville (USA), Black Box, Concert VI - 22.03.2002 /// Viola & electronics: Javier A. Garavaglia
Duration: ca. 12'
Programme Notes: NINTH_programme notes
Score in PDF Format: NINTH_Score in PDF format
Audio Link (MP3): NINTH_MP3
[22] Granular Gong for octophonic tape (8.0 - acousmatic) (2001) -
World Premiere: 10th Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, Gainesville (USA), Black Box - Concert VI, 30.03.2001
Duration: ca. 14'
Programme Notes: GG_programme notes
Score in PDF Format: GG_Score in PDF format
AUDIO of the stereo version (320 bps): GranularGong_320bps
Composition available on CD (stereo version): SONOIMAGENES - Festival Internacional Sonoimágines 2005/Vol. 1 (Colección Sonidos y Visiones del sur), edited by UNLA (Argentina) 2005
[21] Spectral Colours for ensemble (14 instruments) & tape (1996) -
Award: Finalist in category B for the MUSIC NOVA 2001 competition, organised by the Czech Music Council and the Czech Society for Electroacoustic Music (2001)
World Premiere: 8th Biennial Symposium on Arts and Technology - New London, Connecticut, USA - 2001 - Ensemble conducted by Michael Adelson
Duration: ca. 12'
Programme Notes: SC_programme notes
Score in PDF Format: SC_Score in PDF format
Audio Link (MP3) - Recorded live during the ICMC 2007, Queens Hall, Black Diamond, Copenhagen (Denmark), 27.08.2007 - Ensemble Ars Nova (Sweden) conducted by André Chini: SC _live _ICMC2007
[20] Poppekstive for octophonic tape (acousmatic) (1999) -
World Premiere: 8th Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, Gainesville (USA), Black Box - Concert V, 09.04.1999
Duration: ca. 12'
Programme Notes: POPPEKSTIVE_programme notes
[19] T.A.T. (a man's life) for viola, bass-clarinet, 4-track tape and live-electronics (1998) -
World Premiere: 8th Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, Gainesville (USA), Black Box - Concert VII, 10.04.1999 /// Viola: Javier A. Garavaglia - Bass clarinet: Matthew Davies
Duration: ca. 25'
Programme Notes: TAT_programme notes
Score in PDF Format: TAT_Score
Video of the performance during MUSICA NOVA - SOFIA 2001 (Bulgaria) on 18.06.2001: TAT_video_2001 /// Viola: Lubomir Mitzev - Bass clarinet in B: Borislav Yotzov -- Javier A. Garavaglia: sound Recorded at the CONCERT STUDIO No 1, BULGARIAN NATIONAL RADIO
Audio Link (MP3) of the world premiere (see details above): TAT_MP3
[18] COLOR CODE, music for the concert-installation "Color Code" for 4-track tape, viola, live-electronics (MAX) and computer generated graphics on two screens by GRUPPE ANIMATO (Music by Javier A. Garavaglia) (1998) -
World Premiere: during the 7th Vilem Flusser Symposium, Fachhochschule Bielefeld, Germany, 1998 /// Viola: Javier A. Garavaglia
Duration: ca. 31'
Programme Notes: CC_programme notes
[17] Arte Poética (stanzas III to VII) for quadrophonic tape (acousmatic), based on the poem "Arte poética" by Jorge Luis Borges (1997) -
World Premiere: 7th Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, Gainesville (USA), Black Box, Concert VIII - 11.04.1998
Duration: ca. 13'
Programme Notes: APIII_programme notes
Audio Link (MP3): AP_03
[16] Overture (im memoriam T.A.T.) for quadrophonic tape (acousmatic) - 1997 -
World Premiere: DEGEM KONZERT - ZKM (KUBUS), Karlsruhe, Germany - December 1997
Duration: ca. 11'
Programme Notes: OVERTURE programme notes
Audio Link (MP3): OVERTURE_MP3
Piece commercially available in 2 different CDs at
[15] Am Steg (Spaces) for stereo tape (acousmatic) - 1992/1996 -
World Premiere: IV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music, Canela, Brazil - 1997
Duration: ca. 9'
Programme Notes: AmSTEG_programme notes
Audio Link (MP3): AmSteg_320kbs
[14] Contraries (resonances) for alto flute (G), quadrophonic tape and live-electronics (1996) -
World Premiere: Bochum, Germany - 1997 /// Alto flute: Lesley Olson
Duration: ca. 33'
Programme Notes: CONTRARIES_programme notes
Score in PDF Format: CONTRARIES_Score
Audio Link (MP3): CONTRARIES_MP3
[13] Arte Poética (II. Stanza) for quadrophonic tape (acousmatic), based on the poem "Arte poética" by Jorge Luis Borges (1995/6) -
Mention award from the Tribuna Nacional de Música Electroacústica in Argentina (UNESCO - 1996)
World Premiere: Germany - 1996
Duration: ca. 11'
Programme Notes: APII_programme notes
Audio Link (MP3): AP_02
[12] Arte Poética (I) for quadrophonic tape (acousmatic), based on the poem "Arte poética" by Jorge Luis Borges (1995) -
World Premiere: Germany - 1995
Duration: ca. 8'
Programme Notes: API_programme notes
Audio Link (MP3): AP_01
Piece commercially available on 2x CDs edited respectivelly in 1996 by CYBELE, Germany ( and in 2002 by the EMF (Electronic Music Foundation)
The second CD above was published in 2002 and celebrates the first ten years of the Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, organised every year by Prof James Paul Sain at the University of Florida (Gainsville, FL, USA) with a sampling of compositions by guest composers who have at one time or another performed their composition in the festival.
(1) Ron Parks 'Residual' (2) Pete Stollery 'Squirt' (3) Stephen David Beck's 'Sarah-nade (After Brahms)' (4) Javier Garavaglia 'Arte Poética (I)' (5) Joel Chadabe 'Spring' (from 'After Some Songs') (6) Ben Thigpen 'h' (7) Marvin Johnson 'Compendium II' (8) James Paul Sain's 'Tåg till ...' (9) Hubert Howe 'Improvisation No 3'.****
[11] "Poème du temps qui ne passe pas" (.."del otro lado del muro"..) musical scenes for soprano, bass-baritone, piano, flute/alto flute, cello and percussion, based on poems by Jorge Luis Borges, Alejandra Pizarnik and Louis Aragón (1994)
World Premiere: 19.11.1994 - Konzert der Kompositionsklassen II - Neue Aula - Folkwang Hochschule Essen (Germany) /// MANN: Martin Lucaß - FRAU: Susanne Bracchetti - Flute/Alto flute: Angeles Gómez - Cello: Thomas Grote - Percussion: Yun-Jeong-Yeo - Piano: Ilona Stähler -- Conductor: Oliver Schmidt
Duration: 27' to 30'
Programme Notes: POEME_programme notes
Score in PDF Format (manuscript from 1993): POEME_score
Audio Link (MP3): Poeme_Du_Temps (Neue Aula, Folkwang-Hochschule Essen, 1994, see above for details)
[10] Gegensätze (gegenseitig) for alto flute (G), quadrophonic tape and live-electronics (1993/4) -
World Premiere: 18.06.1994 / Rathaus Dortmund, SPEKTAKEL '94, Germany // Alto flute: Christiane Schulz
Duration: ca. 33'
Programme Notes: GEGENSAETZE_programme notes
Score in PDF Format: GEGENSAETZE_Score
[9] pizz. for quadrophonic tape (acousmatic) - 1992 -
World Premiere: Neue Aula, Folkwang Hochschule Essen, Germany - 30.10.1993
Duration: ca. 20'
Programme Notes: PIZZ_programme notes
Audio Link (MP3): PIZZ_MP3
[8] Spiel 3 b (über ein Jazz Thema) for string quintet (2x Vl,Vla,Vcl & double bass) in 5 movements (1993)
World Premiere: Torhaus Rombergpark, Dortmund, Germany - 14/11/1993 /// Minguet Quartett (Ulrich Isfort: violin I - Anke Bettina: violin II - Irene Schwab: viola - Konstantin Schönberg: cello) + Andreas Dohmen: double bass
Overall duration: ca. 27' ==> [i] VORSPIEL: 2:33, [ii] NEGATIVER SPIEGEL: 3:54, [iii] 'M.H.O.C.': 6:40, [iv] FARBEN: 6:13, [v] FINALE: 8:28.
Score in PDF Format (manuscript from 1993): SPIEL_3b_StringQuintet_score_manuscript
Audio Link (MP3) - live recording of the world premiere (1993) - see details above: Spiel_IIIb_MP3
[7] Spiel 3 (über ein Jazz Thema) for wind quintet (1992) in 5 movements ==> [i] VORSPIEL [ii] NEGATIVER SPIEGEL [iii] 'M.H.O.C.' [iv] FARBEN [v] (.....)
World Premiere: Kompositionsklassenkonzert, Kammermusiksaal, Folkwang Hochschule Essen, 19/01/1993 /// Momoe Sato: flute - Pei-Chi Lee: oboe - Sebastian Schürger: trumpet - Atez Yilmar: saxophone - Nicola Hammer: bassoon -- Christoph Erkens: conductor
Duration: ca. 25'
Score in PDF Format (manuscript from 1992): SPIEL_3_WindQuintet_score_manuscript
Audio Link (MP3) - live recording of the world premiere (1993) - see details above: SPIEL_3_WindQuintet
[6] "M.H.0.C" (Spiel 2 über ein Jazz Thema und 5 Töne) for bass wind quintet (1991)
World Premiere: Kammermusiksaal, Folkwang Hochschule Essen, Germany - 28.01.1992 /// Evelin Degen: alto & bass flute / Georg Siebert: english horn / Mathias Höfer: bass clarinet in B / Martin HInkel: tenor horn / Christine Koch: double bassoon / Christoph Erkens: conductor.
Duration: ca. 8'
Score in PDF Format (manuscript from 1991): MHOC_score_manuscript
Audio Link (MP3) of the world premiere (1992) - see details above: MHOC_1992
[5] LABERINTO "... palabras, poemas..." for 4 singers and chamber ensemble, based on poems by Jorge Luis Borges, Marcelo Gasparini and Alejandra Pizarnik (1991)
This composition won the TRIMARG 97 award from the Consejo Argentino de la Musica and the International Music Council (UNESCO) in 1997
Movements: (I) La luna (II) El Ausente (III) Revelación (IV) Los Amantes (V) Quien Alumbra (VI) El Sueño (VII) Laberinto
World Premiere: Neue Aula, Folkwang Hochschule Essen, Germany - Kompositionsklassenkonzert, Neue Aula, Folkwang Hochschule Essen, 12/06/1991 /// Andrea Will: piccolo & flute / Georg Siebert: oboe / Mathias Höfer: clarinet & bass-clarinet / Eckert Kleindopf & Markus Bongartz: violins / Javier A. Garavaglia: viola / Norbert Körner: cello / Wolfgang Bühl: double bass / Dimitrios Vittis & Olaf Norman: percussion / Benedikt Wehr: piano / Susanne Merie: soprano / Maren Maxeiner: alto / Matthias Koch: tenor/contra-tenor / Thomas Busch: bass // Andreas Forrster: conductor
Duration: ca. 25'
Programme Notes: LABERINTO_programme notes
Score in PDF Format: LABERINTO_score_chamber_Version
Audio Link (MP3) - live recording of the world premiere 1991 (see details above): Laberinto_WorldPremiere_1991
Audio Link (MP3) - live recording 1992: LABERINTO_audio_II Kompositionsklassenkonzert der Folkwang Hochschule Essen, THÜRMER SAAL BOCHUM - 21/01/1992 /// Christoph Riemenschneider: piccolo & flute / Georg Siebert: oboe / Mathias Höfer: clarinet & bass-clarinet / Michael Haman & Markus Bongartz: violins / Javier Garavaglia: viola / Norbert Körner: cello / Wolfgang Bühl: double bass / Dimitrios Vittis & Olaf Norman: percussion / Gregor Arnsberg: piano / Susanne Merie: soprano / Christine Hackenloer: alto / Matthias Koch: tenor/contra-tenor / Stefan Wolf: bass // Christoph Erkens: conductor****
[4] "T.T" (Spiel für Tommy und seine Bratsche) for viola solo (1987) - Dedicated to Tomás A. Tichauer.
World Premiere: Kammermusiksaal, Folkwang Hochschule Essen, Germany - January 1991 // Viola: Javier A. Garavaglia
Duration: ca. 8'
Programme Notes: TT_programme notes
Score in PDF Format: TT_Score
Audio Link (MP3): TT.MP3 - Viola: Javier A. Garavaglia (live recording, Neue Aula, Folkwang Hochschule Essen - Germany, July 1995) Audio Link (MP3): TT_1987_Tichauer.MP3 - Viola: Tomás A. Tichauer (Recorded in Buenos Aires, Argentina - Home studio of Jorge Rosso - 20.07.1987)****
[3] Timbres (después de 4 Piezas) for oboe, viola and piano (1989)
World Premiere: Buenos Aires, Fundación San Telmo, Argentina - 5/9/1989 --- Piano: ?? / Oboe: Andrés Spiller / Viola: Marcela Magin / Conductor: Javier A. Garavaglia
Duration: ca. 14'
Score in PDF Format from original manuscript: TIMBRES_despues_de_4_Piezas
Audio Link (MP3): TIMBRES_WorldPremiere_1989 (World premiere of 1989 mastered from the original live recording on cassette - Further details above)
[2] 4 Piezas for oboe, viola and piano (1989)
World Premiere: Bariloche, Argentina (during the 1989 Camping Musical Bariloche) - February 1989 --- Piano: Gerardo Gandini / Oboe: Andrés Spiller / Viola: Marcela Magin
Duration: ca. 9'
Score in PDF Format: 4_Piezas
Audio Link (MP3): 4_Piezas_WorldPremiere_1989 (World premiere of 1989 mastered from the original live recording on cassette - Further details above)
[1] Kleines Duo for violin and viola (1985)
Recording: 1987 (30.06) in Buenos Aires, Argentina - Home studio of Jorge Rosso. Violin: C. Landioni - Viola: H. Knevels // Mastering from cassette recording: Javier A. Garavaglia (2024)
Duration: ca. 7'
Score in PDF Format: KD_Vln_Vla_SCORE
Audio Link (MP3): KD_Vln_Vla